Delivery and Shipping

Our shipping standard is FedEx International Priority Express. If you want the items to be collected by your own forwarder please contact us before you order.

The shipping fee displayed below is calculated for standard packages up to a volume weight of 6kg (prices in Euro excluding taxes). We reserve the right to adapt shipping fee in case of packages far over the limit. Customers will always be informed in advance.

For delivery outside the European Union please note: All prices displayed in the shop are excluding custom duties. Custom duties are usually carried by the importer. In case you prefer custom issues to be processed by please contact us before we have shipped out!

! Note for UK customers only ! Companies with UK VAT registration number can easily shop tax-free for any amount. For private users we have to set a minimum order value of 135 GBP (value of goods). If any questions concerning this issue, please contact us!

For any questions concerning shipping & handling please contact us!

Delivery zones and rates 



€ 15


Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia

€ 30


Croatia, France, Italy, Monaco, Poland, Sweden,

€ 40


Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Estonia, Gibraltar, Greece, Greenland, Ireland, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Norway, Portugal, Romania, San Marino, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom

€ 45


Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Cyprus, Faroe Islands, Finland, Guernsey, Iceland, Jersey, Malta, Moldavia

€ 60


Canada, Mexico, Türkiye, Ukraine, USA

€ 89


China, Hongkong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Taiwan, Thailand

€ 125


All other countries (see listing below)

€ 134

Delivery zones country index 

Afghanistan 8 Gibraltar 4 Nigeria 8
Albania 5 Greece 4 Niue Island 8
Algeria 8 Greenland (Denmark) 4 Norway 4
Andorra 5 Grenada 8 Oman 8
Angola 8 Guadeloupe 8 Pakistan 8
Anguilla 8 Guam 8 Palau 8
Antarctica (on request) Guatemala 8 Panama 8
Antigua and Barbuda 8 Guernsey 5 Papua New Guinea 8
Argentina 8 Guinea Republic 8 Paraguay 8
Armenia 8 Guinea-Bissau 8 Peru 8
Aruba 8 Guyana 8 Philippines 8
Ascension 8 Haiti 8 Poland 3
Australia 8 Honduras 8 Portugal 4
Austria 1 Hongkong 7 Puerto Rico 8
Azerbaijan 8 Hungary 2 Qatar 8
Bahamas 8 Iceland 5 Reunion 8
Bahrain 8 India 7 Romania 4
Bangladesh 8 Indonesia 7 Russian Federation 8
Barbados 8 Iran 8 Rwanda 8
Belarus 5 Iraq 8 Saint Lucia 8
Belgium 2 Ireland 4 Saipan 8
Belize 8 Israel 8 Samoa 8
Benin 8 Italy 3 San Marino 4
Bermuda 8 Ivory Coast 8 Saó Tome and Principe 8
Bhutan 8 Jamaica 8 Saudi Arabia 8
Bolivia 8 Japan 7 Senegal 8
Bonaire 8 Jersey 5 Serbia 4
Bosnia - Herzegovina 4 Jordan 8 Seychelles 8
Botswana 8 Kazakhstan 8 Sierra Leone 8
Brazil 8 Kenya 8 Singapore 7
Brunei Darussalam 8 Kiribati 8 Slovakia 2
Bulgaria 4 Korea, north 8 Slovenia 2
Burkina Faso 8 Korea, south 8 Solomon Islands 8
Burundi 8 Kosovo 5 Somalia 8
Cambodia 8 Kuwait 8 South Africa 8
Cameroon 8 Kyrgyzstan 8 Spain 4
Canada 6 Laos 8 Sri Lanka 8
Cape Verde 8 Latvia 4 St. Barthelemy 8
Cayman Islands 8 Lebanon 8 St. Eustatius 8
Central African Rep. 8 Lesotho 8 St. Helena 8
Chad 8 Liberia 8 St. Kitts and Nevis 8
Chile 8 Libya 8 St. Maarten 8
China 7 Liechtenstein 4 St. Vincent 8
Colombia 8 Lithuania 4 Sudan 8
Comoro 8 Luxembourg 2 Surinam 8
Congo, dem. Rep. 8 Macao 8 Swaziland 8
Congo, Rep. 8 Macedonia 4 Sweden 3
Costa Rica 8 Madagascar 8 Switzerland 4
Croatia 3 Malawi 8 Syria 8
Cuba 8 Malaysia 7 Tadzhikistan 8
Curacao 8 Maledives 8 Tahiti 8
Cyprus 5 Mali 8 Taiwan 7
Czech Rep. 2 Malta 5 Tanzania 8
Denmark 2 Marshall Islands 8 Thailand 7
Dom. Republic 8 Martinique 8 Togo 8
Dominica 8 Mauretania 8 Tonga 8
Djibouti 8 Mauritius 8 Trinidad and Tobago 8
East Timor 8 Mayotte 8 Tunisia 8
Ecuador 8 Mexico 6 Türkiye 6
Egypt 8 Moldavia, Rep. 5 Turks & Caicos Islands 8
El Salvador 8 Monaco 3 Tuvalu 8
Equatorial Guinea 8 Mongolia 8 Uganda 8
Eritrea 8 Montenegro 4 Ukraine 6
Estonia 4 Montserrat 8 United Arab Emirates 8
Ethiopia 8 Morocco 8 United Kingdom 3
Faroe Islands 5 Mozambique 8 Uruguay 8
Falkland Islands 8 Myanmar (Burma) 8 USA 6
Fiji 8 Namibia 8 Uzbekistan 8
Finland 5 Nauru 8 Vanuatu 8
France 3 Nepal 8 Venezuela 8
French-Guyana 8 Netherlands 2 Vietnam 8
Gabun 8 Netherlands Antilles 8 Virgin Island 8
Gambia 8 New Caledonia 8 Yemen 8
Georgia 8 New Zealand 8 Zambia 8
Germany 2 Nicaragua 8 Zimbabwe 8
Ghana 8 Niger 8